• $0.00 USD

Silver Spoon Club

Membership is easy and very rewarding!

Sign up now!

It’s easy to join! Just provide your name, email, phone number and birth month. You’ll receive a birthday gift, exclusive deals and giveaways and information about upcoming classes and events.

  • A birthday gift valid during your birth month
  • First look at upcoming events and classes
  • Exclusive offerings on classes and products
  • Contests

There are NO fees or card to carry!

All that is required is your name, e-mail address, phone number, and birth month.

What information do you need for me to be a member?

We need your name, e-mail address, phone number, and birth month.

Why do you need my e-mail address?

E-mail is our only method to correspond with you. Don't worry, we only send a couple of emails a month.

Why do you need my phone number?

It identifies your account.

Why do you need my birth month?

So we can give you a birthday present!

More Questions?

Email: info@woodenspoonchicago.com

Phone: (773) 293-3190

The Silver Spoon Club is for individual customers only.

The Wooden Spoon reserves the right to make changes in the rules or prizes, audit or cancel your account, or terminate the program at any time without advance notice.

All Federal and State tax liabilities are the responsibility of the member.